By Shaun Dakin, CEO of The National Political Do Not Contact Registry at
On one of the biggest days of the election to date, much of the political press was talking about two things:
Who would win the GOP FL primary? Newt or Mitt andWhy would Newt's campaign make a robocall that accused Romney of refusing to fund kosher food for Holocaust survivors during his time as Massachusetts governor.
The second part of the discussion today was driven by news that we broke at The National Political Do Not Contact Registry.Late yesterday we discovered that Newt's campaign had, in fact, sent a robocall that accused Mitt of refusing to fund kosher food for Holocaust survivors in Massachusetts.
Here is our blog post about the call that we received.Pretty quickly we sent the recording to some top campaign reporters, including Amanda Terkel of the Huffington Post. She was the first reporter to break the story this morning here:
LAKELAND, Fla. -- The Newt Gingrich campaign has a robocall out in
Florida claiming that Mitt Romney once took kosher food away from
Holocaust survivors.The allegation made in the call, obtained by anti-robocall activist Shaun Dakin, is undoubtedly targeted at Florida's large Jewish and elderly populations.
The text of the call: As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney vetoed a bill
paying for kosher food for our seniors in nursing homes. Holocaust
survivors, who for the first time, were forced to eat non-kosher,
because Romney thought $5 was too much to pay for our grandparents to
eat kosher. Where is Mitt Romney's compassion for our seniors? Tuesday
you can end Mitt Romney's hypocrisy on religious freedom, with a vote
for Newt Gingrich. Paid for by Newt 2012.
At that point the story quickly went viral on twitter and then in the main stream media.At first Newt himself denied the story.
The campaign later admitted that the robocall was made by Newt 2012.
Here is a list of all the stories today:
Huffington PostWashington Post
ABC NewsLA Times
On Twitter
The HillThe National Journal
CNNWall Street Journal
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