Washington, DC - Shaun Dakin, CEO The National Political Do Not Contact Registry - Sign up for free at StopPoliticalCalls.org
With just a week to go in this election I thought I'd seen them all. Until today.
This is, so far, the weirdest robo call this election cycle. Bar none.
This is really the weirdest robo call yet. Not mean, not necessarily negative and scary; just plain weird weird weird.
Zane Starkewolf, candidate for CA-1, and running as a "green republication" decided to launch an ILLEGAL robo call (all robo calls are illegal in CA) with the following transcript: Audio here.
Some StopPoliticalCalls.org members reported this and we went directly to the source immediately to demand that Mr. Starkewolf stop these inappropriate calls.
Perhaps it was his intention from the start to get free media attention to his race in Northern California.
Who knows.
UPDATE: This was picked up by the local and national media. Here are links:
- Huffington Post
- Wired
- Sacramento Bee, CA
- KCBS Radio, CA
- Caltics Blog
- Marc Ambinder
- Napa Valley Register, CA
- CBS2, Chicago, IL
- PolitickerCA
- CBS5, CA
- CBS13, CA
- KNX Radio, CA
- CBS 4, Denver, CO
- Comedy Central
- Washington Post
- The Politico.com
From CBS:
From YouTube:
Here is his statement from his website this morning.
Zane addresses the topic of the political phone ad that went out Sunday October 26th, 2008:
I want to officially address the topic of the phone call that went out today from my campaign to individuals in District One [Recording Posted]. I acknowledge that the idea behind the ad, and indeed the execution of the call, was not the safe route to take. And if my run for office was simply for personal gain, I would not have taken a risk. But the content and the facts within the message were there and need to be discussed. Hopefully this call opens up the forum for discussion on the issues and on the representation which is so essential to our system.
What we are discussing today is the lack of alignment in representation in this district. Things are stagnant in Washington and accountability for one's actions and to one's district is severely lacking. I take the credit or the blame for the statement that went out today. The unpaid staffer who recorded and submitted the message may have been a little overly enthusiastic in the delivery, but I believe it is good to get enthusiasm back into politics.
The message is there--and what it says is that Mike Thompson went against the people of this district when he voted to pass and have us pay for the 700 billion dollar bailout and went along with George Bush as he has done on various issues including in passing the so called "Patriot Act". This is simply appalling. And if a message needs to go out that is "appalling" in a sense in order to get the discussion going, than I believe it is a worthy cause.
Let’s think outside the box, let's not be scared, let's talk about the issues that really matter. I am here to listen. I am here to take responsibility and to be accountable to the District. It is time for change, and it is time to make change for the better. Thank you.
Yours truely,
Zane Starkewolf
Green Republican
Candidate for U.S. Congress, District1
[email protected]
Washington, DC - Shaun Dakin, CEO The National Political Do Not Contact Registry - Sign up for free at StopPoliticalCalls.org
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